List of Hardest Board Exams in the Philippines & the Important Features You Must Know
HARDEST BOARD EXAMS IN THE PHILIPPINES – Here are 8 of the most challenging licensure examinations in the country and their key aspects.

Physician Licensure Examination (PLE)
The passing rate for the Physician Licensure Examination (PLE) is around 40% to 50%. It consists both written and practical examinations. The text is composed of 500 multiple-choice questions that covers different topics including pharmacology, anatomy, clinical medicine, and pathology.
BAR Examination
The BAR examination covers eight subjects including Political Law, Labor Law, Civil Law, Taxation, Commercial Law, Criminal Law, Remedial Law, and Legal Ethics and Practical Exercises. It has the passing rate of around 20% to 30%. The exam is administered by the Supreme Court.
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Licensure Exam
Under the CPA licensure exam, the passing rate is usually between 20% to 30%. The subject coverage includes Financial Accounting and Reporting, Auditing, Management Advisory Services, and Taxation. The passing of a CPA board exam is highly-regarded in the country.
Mechanical Engineering Board Exam
The licensure exam for mechanical engineers covers various topics including thermodynamics, engineering mechanics, machine design, and power plant engineering. The passing rate is usually 50%.
Electrical Engineering Board Exam
The Electrical Engineering Board Exam which is one of the hardest board exams in the Philippines will test the takers capabilities in physics, mathematics, and the principles of engineering. The licensure exam is composed of both a practical exam and a multiple-choice test.
Civil Engineering Board Exam
Also one of the hardest board exams in the Philippines is the Civil Engineering Board Exam. It covers topics such as materials science, mathematics, physics, structural analysis and design, and geotechnical engineering. The licensure exam includes both a problem-solving exam and a multiple-choice test.
Architect Licensure Exam
With regards to the Architect Licensure Exam, the takers capabilities in different aspects like building materials, architectural design, building construction, and professional practice will be tested.
Nursing Board Exam
The Nursing Board Exam is composed of both written test and practical exam. It challenges the theoretical knowleged of the takers and here are the number of questions in each subject:
- Medical-Surgical Nursing — 100
- Maternal and Child Health Nursing — 80
- Community Health Nursing — 60
- Psychiatric Nursing — 40
Could somebody do some research – I believed that the most difficult board exam ever was the February or August 1958 (1959 ?) Assistant Electrical Engineer Examination in the Philippines. As I recall, there were about 150 examinees. Out of that number, there were only 27 candidates who passed and 9 were considered conditional pass. Out of the 27 successful candidates, 17 attained the minimum mark of 70% and the remaining top ten candidates had mark of 71% to something like 80% (10th to 1st place). According to some speculation, if the actual marking was implemented only about 10, more or less would be licensed. The examiners were forced to adjust the test marks and come up with a number of successful examinees.