List of Calculators Allowed in Civil Engineering Board Examinations

NON PROGRAMABLE CALCULATOR – Here is the list of calculators allowed in Civil Engineering board examinations.

A calculator is a small electronic device or tool designed to perform mathematical calculations. It is equipped with buttons and a display screen, allowing users to input numerical values and mathematical operations.

Calculators come in various types, ranging from basic models that handle simple arithmetic functions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, to more advanced models such as scientific calculators that can perform complex mathematical operations, including trigonometric functions, square roots, and logarithms.

Civil Engineering Board Examinations

They are widely used in various fields, including education, science, engineering, finance, and everyday tasks that involve numerical calculations.

They provide a quick and efficient way to solve mathematical problems, making them an essential tool for students, professionals, and anyone dealing with numbers in their daily activities.

Its functionality is often integrated into other electronic devices, such as computers and smartphones, through software applications. These calculator apps offer similar features to traditional handheld calculators, providing users with the convenience of performing calculations on their digital devices.

However, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) regulates the usage of calculators. The agency informed the board exam takers of the new list of non-programmable calculators allowed to be used in the Civil Engineering Licensure Examination.

PRC releases the list of non-programmable calculators allowed in Civil Engineering board exams.

Here is the list:

Civil Engineering Board Examinations
Civil Engineering Board Examinations
Civil Engineering Board Examinations

PRC also sets guidelines on the use of calculators:

1. Calculator substitution, loaning, and borrowing are not permitted while the test is being administered.

2. Each examinee is only permitted to bring one (1) calculator into the examination room.

3. All calculators must be inspected, following Commission Memorandum Order No. 57’s Annex A criteria (s. 2020). During the examination, the examiner’s calculator may be inspected at any moment by the examination staff. Any calculator that has a broken seal, looks to have been tampered with, or has any other unusual feature or configuration will be seized and the information will be noted in the Examination/Incident Report that will be sent to the Board and the Legal Service.

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