LET Passers Oath Taking — Here’s Guide on What To Do…

Details about the LET Passers Oath Taking Process

LET PASSERS OATH TAKING – Here is a guide on what to do after your initial registration to process for your oath taking.

In the Philippines, the Licensure Examination for Teachers or more popularly called LET is one of the board exams that never fails to gather thousands of takers every year. In fact, it is conducted twice a year and each of the exam schedule never fails to gather thousands of takers from across the nation. This undeniably shows that education graduates also maintain a huge population in the country.

LET Passers Oath Taking
Photo Credit: PRC

The LET for the graduates of the Bachelor of Elementary Education and the Bachelor of Secondary Education differ. The latter includes a majoring. The exam is conducted by the Professional Regulations Commission, more popularly called PRC, which also releases the results. In fact, thousands of takers of the latest licensure exam are currently anxious as they await the LET Board Exam Result September 2023.

After the challenging days and weeks of waiting for the results, a taker who passed the LET exam would need to proceed to the initial registration that can be done through the official website of the PRC. Here’s a guide:

After the initial registration done online, you can proceed to the walk-in routine for the LET passers oath taking process. Here are the steps that you may follow to ensure a smooth flow:

Step 1 — Prepare 1pc. of passport size picture, short brown envelope, and four (4) documentary stamps which you can obtain at the PRC office.

Step 2 — Go to the PRC office and obtain a copy of the oath taking form. Pay 1,050.00 pesos for the processing of your license ID and Certification.

Step 3 — Fill out the claim slip by writing your registration/license number and sign the three (3) blanks together with you right thumb mark.

Step 4 — At the back of the short brown envelope, on the left side, write your name (surname, first name, middle initial). Indicate if you are an elementary or secondary teacher. Below it, write your license number.

Step 5 — Buy your ticket for the LET passers oath taking.

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