Board Exam Superstitious Beliefs Practiced by Many Filipinos

List of Popular Board Exam Supertitious Beliefs in the Philippines

BOARD EXAM SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS – Here are some superstitious beliefs that many takes of licensure exams follow saying that nothing will be lost.

Filipinos are undeniably fond of superstitious beliefs. The practice of these beliefs can be witnessed in the baptismal of a child, the preparation for a wedding, at the wake, during the board examination day, etc. While there is no logical explanation to these beliefs, they are already part of the Philippine culture and seemingly live because of the word of mouth.

Board Exam Superstitious Beliefs
Photo Credit: Expert Pensions

When it comes to board exam superstitious beliefs, there are several of these beliefs that are practiced not before the exam day but during the day itself. These includes the attire of the exam takers but mostly are about the actions to be taken after you took the test.

Wear something red during the exam day

One of the most popular board exam superstitious beliefs is that licensure exam takers must wear something red during the exam for additional good luck. Most licensure exams have dress codes thus board exam takers often take undergarments as the chance to wear something red.

Step in the exam room with your right foot first

They say that doing it right includes stepping in the examination room with your right foot first. Undeniably, this is the most tricky belief as you might cram with the nervousness you feel inside or you might not even think of it upon seeing the proctor already seating inside the room.

Knock on the wood three times

It is believed by many Filipinos that knocking on the wood three times on the day of the licensure examination increases good luck. Thus, takers really find a wooden material like a chair or table to do it.

Broken pencils
Photo Credit: Medium
Break your pencil after taking the exam

Licensure exam proctors in the Philippines are no longer surprised when the exam takers break their pencil after taking the test. It is believed that it is a manifestation that you won’t be taking the exam again.

Kick your chain when you leave the examination room

This is also one of the most popular board exam supertitious beliefs in the Philippines. Thus, a lot of PRC board exam proctors are not already shocked when they would suddenly heard a sound before someone gets out from the licensure examination room.

Look straight when you go out from the exam room

It is believed that exam takers should never look back when going out of the exam room. Instead, they should look straight ahead.

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