PRC BOARD EXAMS – Here are the things that you need to bring and wear on examination day for both male and female examinees.
The journey towards professional excellence often involves overcoming significant challenges and undergoing tough assessments to validate one’s knowledge and skills In the Philippines, one of the pivotal milestones on this path is successfully passing the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) board exams.
These exams hold a special place in the hearts of aspiring professionals as they signify the culmination of years of education, training, and preparation.

These examinations are designed to assess the competency, proficiency, and ethical aptitude of individuals aspiring to enter regulated professions such as nursing, engineering, accountancy, medicine, and education, among others.
Passing the board exams is not only a personal achievement but also an essential validation of an individual’s capability to contribute effectively to their chosen field.
Preparing for the PRC board exams is a time-consuming process that includes years of formal study, training, and extensive review. Aspiring professionals put in endless hours learning and mastering their disciplines.
The process concludes with a comprehensive exam that assesses candidates’ academic knowledge, practical abilities, and ethical awareness. The tests are given in specified testing facilities across the country and include a wide range of profession-related topics.
Passing the PRC board exams opens the door to a world of job opportunities and professional development. Successful candidates get the right to use the label “licensed professional,” which carries weight and reputation in their particular sectors.
The license not only acts as a badge of distinction for professionals, but it also permits them to legally practice their art and contribute to the progress of their sector.
But before taking the PRC board exams, examinees must prepare the necessary requirements before taking the tests. Here are things that licensure exam takers need to bring during the examination day.
- Notice of Admission
- Application Stub
- PRC Official Receipt
- Two or more pencils (No. 2)
- Ballpens with BLACK INK ONLY
- One (1) piece Metered-Stamp Window Envelope
- One (1) piece Long Brown Envelope
- One (1) piece Long Transparent Plastic Envelope
Dress Code
Male examinees must wear school white polo shirt or T-shirt (tucked-in) while female examinees white blouse or T-shirt. Marine Deck and Engineer Officers are required to wear prescribed Merchant Marine uniform with appropriate shoulder board.