Board Examination Dos and Don’ts

Guidelines for Passing Board Examination

BOARD EXAMINATION – Here are several guidelines for ensuring your board exam preparation is on the right track.

Board exams represent a significant milestone in the academic journey of students. They play a crucial role in determining college admissions and future job prospects.

Given these factors, it’s natural for students to feel anxious about performing well in these exams. The preparation process can be daunting as students strive to balance various responsibilities such as homework, test preparation, extracurricular activities, and more. To enhance the likelihood of achieving high scores while minimizing stress and anxiety, here are several recommendations for effective board exam preparation.

Photo Source: South China Morning Post

Effective Strategies for Board Exam Preparation


1.Make Your Own Notes

To facilitate efficient revision and enhance your ability to recall essential concepts during the exam, make your own study notes. This is particularly beneficial when you express ideas in your own words. Developing these notes offers a clearer understanding of the concepts, making them more digestible when reviewing later. While creating notes, avoid solely relying on your class notebooks or textbooks. Incorporate information and key details from supplementary resources recommended by your instructors. Replicating textbook content verbatim suggests memorization without understanding. To excel, articulate your responses in your own language, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all aspects. A practical approach to this is structuring your notes in a question-and-answer format.

2. Take Mock Tests

To excel in your tests, the primary approach is to engage in effective practice. Work through numerous sets of questions, including both practice papers and mock exams. In the context of board examinations, certain questions tend to recur annually. Thus, participating in mock exams assists in recognizing crucial topics and uncovering gaps in your comprehension. Aim to complete around four to five mock exams for each subject before the actual exam.

3. Time Your Practice Sessions

During the actual exam, you won’t receive extra time to finalize your responses. Enhancing your writing speed and ensuring the timely completion of your paper is vital. This can be accomplished by utilizing a timer while undertaking mock exams. If your examination lasts for three hours, your objective should involve finishing within a span of two hours and forty-five minutes.

4. Answer Easy Questions First

Upon reviewing the exam questions, begin by addressing the easier segments. Board exams provide the flexibility to address sections according to your preferred sequence. Exploit this opportunity, as it permits you to conserve time for more challenging portions. Nevertheless, it’s important to complete all the responses within a section before progressing to the subsequent one.

Photo Source: Takshila Institute

The Don’ts

1. Don’t Forget to Practice Diagrams

Frequently, students merely skim over diagrams without practicing them. If your aim is to achieve high marks in your board exams, it’s crucial to practice diagram-related content thoroughly. Redraw important diagrams multiple times, without relying on the textbook, around two to three instances. Ensure you master the labels and maintain the neatness of your diagram.

2. Don’t Procrastinate

Strive to cover the entire syllabus at least one month ahead of your exams. This approach will allocate ample time for revision. Refrain from delaying tasks and postponing them until the final moments.

3. Don’t Study for Long Hours Without a Break

While dedicated studying for exams is important, it’s unwise to exhaust yourself. After a certain point, the brain becomes saturated with information. This saturation can lead to mental fatigue and result in forgetting concepts or confusing information. To counter this, incorporate frequent breaks into your study sessions. For every two hours of studying, take a 5-minute break to relax and rejuvenate.

4. Don’t Forget to Carry Your Stationery and Documents on Exam Day

The authorities overseeing the board exams have strict rules in place to prevent the sharing of writing materials. Moreover, if you’re missing an important document, such as your hall ticket, you won’t be allowed to participate in the exam. Hence, it’s essential to ensure that you have all your required items in tow. Take some time the day before the exam to create a checklist of items needed for the exam day, and then ensure that you pack everything according to that list.

Board exams hold immense significance as they mark a pivotal point in your academic journey. Have confidence in your abilities and begin your preparations well in advance. Adhering to the appropriate guidelines already puts you halfway toward achieving victory!

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