List of Board Exam Tips Prior to Taking the Much-Awaited Examination to Obtain License
BOARD EXAM TIPS – Here are some insightful things to do a day before you will take the much-awaited licensure examination.
Taking a board examination is one of the most goosebumps-igniting thing that could happen to a person. It took months of preparation and the big event is usually concluded in one big day. It is important to really be prepared and to avoid unnecessary hassles. You can check the most important board exam tips below.

Get enough sleep
It is important to have enough sleep the night before you take the licensure examination. This is one of the most important and beneficial board exam tips as it reduces the risk of you being groggy while taking the exam and the possibility of a clogged mind.
Avoid opening a new topic to study until the last minute
There is not enough time for a new topic and opening a new one will just send your mind into a cramming mode. It would be of big help to give yourself the break he/she needs before the exam day, relax, and have faith that you have already done your best. Always take an extra mile to save yourself from the panic mode as it will do you a lot of harm.
Do not overdo everything
Never stay up late studying the night before the examination. It will only ignite burnout and will increase the chance that you will forget many of the things that you have studied prior. Do not stretch yourself too much and, instead, listen to soothing music, relax, and let your brain take the much-needed recharging.
Do some physical exercise or activities at home but be careful not to over-exhaust your body. The physical activity can help you get some good breathes and drop off the stress accumulated during the entire studying session.
Hydrate Your Body
It is important to stay hydrated to help keep everything inside you performing well. Hydration is very crucial in keeping the mind working smoothly.

Prepare everything your will need for the exam early
Do not wait until night time before the exam day to prepare and pack the things you will need. List them down and put them one-by-one inside your bag early. Also, iron your clothes as instances of power outage may happen and it could be a big hassle if you have yet to do the things that require electricity when it happens.
Prepare your Meal
It will save you from unnecessary stress if you already know what to have on the table in the morning of the exam day as well as what to bring or eat for lunch. Also, it could be a perfect chance to really prepare the food that could make you feel happy and alive on the exam day.
Set your Alarm
Waking up late is one of the worst things that could happen to you on your licensure examination day. One of the board exam tips that you should not miss to set an alarm. Your waking time should give you enough time to prepare — save yourself from last-minute cramming. Also, make sure that if you set your alarm on your mobile phone, the device is not on silent mode.
The last but never the least board exam tip is to pray. A lot of licensure exam passers could attest that doing your best and leaving the rest to God is the perfect formula in taking the board exam whether you will pass it or you will be taking the chance for another take.
Stay Calm
Relax and have faith on everything that you have done in the pursuit to pass the exam. More importantly, have faith that whatever happens, the Divine plan can always turn out for your own good.